Naturally, we are all wanting to know how Bobs health is..

Naturally, we are all wanting to know how dads health is..

Mom N Dad

Mom N Dad


I know he loves hearing from everyone.. but even dad has a limit to how many times he can tell a tale.So Rachael came up with the idea to start a blog with updates as they come along.

Today has been dealing with insurance companies.. Trying to find a Doctor who takes their insurance.. Insurance Companies are evil.. More evil than Jell-o

Other than the mind games, that a cruel diagnosis brings.. Dad, two days out of the hospital was up on a ladder, scrapping paint.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saturday is a Day to Forget All About the "C" Word!

   About two months ago Rachael heard that mom and dad’s favorite music artist was going to be in Las Vegas. She checked into getting concert tickets for them thinking all seven kids could pitch in and buy them the tickets for their Christmas present. When she heard the “cheap tickets” were $300.00 each and the “good tickets” were $800.00 each, she thought, “no way are we going to get them to the concert at those prices”.  

    Rachael knows how much they love listening to Andrea Bocelli and wanted to find a way to get them to the concert. So with the tenacity she inherited from her parents she wrote this letter to the higher powers to be, at the official website of Andrea Bocelli.....  

Dear sirs,
I have never tried anything like this and forgive me if it is tacky....I just noted that Mr. Bocelli will be appearing in Las Vegas this December I wanted to get tickets for two great fans.. my parents...but I find that I cannot afford them.
They have been married for over 50 years still hold hands, just because, and get all mushy when they hear Andreas' music.
They have 7 children whom they support no matter what.  They left their Church when 3 of their kids came out gay.
They're retired, and put all plans on hold to take care of my aging Grandparents, who have recently then the other
I don't know if you even give tickets away or have contests or what...I just want to make two of the most giving people happy, and to see Mr. Bocelli would do the trick.. just asking I figured it couldn't hurt
Thanks in advance for any consideration.

Here is what Alessia  Navarino answered:
I'm contacting you from Andrea Bocelli's management office  We are glad to give you 2 tickets for your parents. Hope we will make them happy..

  Thank You Rachael!
You are giving two special people, in all of our lives, a very special day!  


  1. Oh geeze, I'm embarrassing myself in front of my boyfriend by tearing up over this post. I'm so glad they get to see the show! What a treat - and what brilliance on Rachel's part in asking!


  2. Don't be embarrassed over tears, it just shows how much you care!
