Naturally, we are all wanting to know how Bobs health is..

Naturally, we are all wanting to know how dads health is..

Mom N Dad

Mom N Dad


I know he loves hearing from everyone.. but even dad has a limit to how many times he can tell a tale.So Rachael came up with the idea to start a blog with updates as they come along.

Today has been dealing with insurance companies.. Trying to find a Doctor who takes their insurance.. Insurance Companies are evil.. More evil than Jell-o

Other than the mind games, that a cruel diagnosis brings.. Dad, two days out of the hospital was up on a ladder, scrapping paint.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dad is feeling much better!

Dad is eating solid foods and going to the bathroom all by himself.

Santa is happy, and so am I.

   We belive he will be home for Christmas!!!!! He moved out of ICU today, and his next move will be in his own bed in the "Sutter Home", with the new toilet he installed just a few weeks ago. 
    When I talked to him this afternoon it was great to hear him back to his "normal self". He told me about his crazy hallucinations the medication caused, he is able to go to the bathroom himself and he is only able to eat a third of what they bring him because he gets full (he hasn't had anything to eat since last Wednesday, go figure).
    I told him he needs to try and eat every two hours, I am so happy he can go to the bathroom himself and the hallucinations sounds like he was on acid. His hallucinations were about gold....lots of gold, and how he wanted to trade all the gold in for a glass of water!
    Now I want to get him home and fill the house full of great wine, fantastic cheese, wonderful music and his family. 

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