Naturally, we are all wanting to know how Bobs health is..

Naturally, we are all wanting to know how dads health is..

Mom N Dad

Mom N Dad


I know he loves hearing from everyone.. but even dad has a limit to how many times he can tell a tale.So Rachael came up with the idea to start a blog with updates as they come along.

Today has been dealing with insurance companies.. Trying to find a Doctor who takes their insurance.. Insurance Companies are evil.. More evil than Jell-o

Other than the mind games, that a cruel diagnosis brings.. Dad, two days out of the hospital was up on a ladder, scrapping paint.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Still no 100% answers!

Mom and Dad went to the oncologist today. They found out there is a 50-50% chance he will be able to have the tumor removed through surgery. If they do surgery the prognosis looks good. Either way he has chemo and radiation in his future. At this time, the good news is it sounds like the chemo and radiation is something he is willing to go for! Still don’t have all the answers but they are optimistic with the news they found out today!


  1. At least he isn't worried about loosing his hair. On the up note he might not even have to shave!

  2. No hair lost there ;) Bob doesn't seem the type to live by statistics =) 50/50 are great odds with him. =)
