Naturally, we are all wanting to know how Bobs health is..

Naturally, we are all wanting to know how dads health is..

Mom N Dad

Mom N Dad


I know he loves hearing from everyone.. but even dad has a limit to how many times he can tell a tale.So Rachael came up with the idea to start a blog with updates as they come along.

Today has been dealing with insurance companies.. Trying to find a Doctor who takes their insurance.. Insurance Companies are evil.. More evil than Jell-o

Other than the mind games, that a cruel diagnosis brings.. Dad, two days out of the hospital was up on a ladder, scrapping paint.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Great Weekend In Las Vegas

I spent the weekend with mom, dad and Rachael.

As always, we were a little wild and crazy!
Whatever happens in Vegas,
stays in Vegas.

Mom and dad are going to go see the surgeon today. This visit is to get scheduled for Laparoscopic surgery. It is a surgical procedures with the assistance of a video camera and several thin instruments. During the surgical procedure, small incisions of up to half an inch are made and plastic tubes called ports are placed through these incisions. The camera and the instruments are then introduced through the ports which allow access to the inside of the patient.

The camera transmits an image of the organs inside the abdomen onto a television monitor. The video camera becomes a surgeon’s eyes in laparoscopy surgery, since the surgeon uses the image from the video camera positioned inside the patient’s body to perform the procedure.

This will allow the surgeon to determine whether or not the tumor will be able to be removed through surgery. If there is fatty tissue around the tumor the surgeon may be able to remove it. If there is no fatty tissue around the tumor, dad will not be able to have the surgery. Either way, he will have chemotherapy and possibly radiation to control, and possibly remove, the tumor.

We are all hoping for good news today!

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