Naturally, we are all wanting to know how Bobs health is..

Naturally, we are all wanting to know how dads health is..

Mom N Dad

Mom N Dad


I know he loves hearing from everyone.. but even dad has a limit to how many times he can tell a tale.So Rachael came up with the idea to start a blog with updates as they come along.

Today has been dealing with insurance companies.. Trying to find a Doctor who takes their insurance.. Insurance Companies are evil.. More evil than Jell-o

Other than the mind games, that a cruel diagnosis brings.. Dad, two days out of the hospital was up on a ladder, scrapping paint.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The things you dont think about.

Rachaels Message.
With the focus on Dad and how he is recovering from surgery it is easy to forget about the other things involved with being sick.
Everyone asks how he is doing.. How Mom is doing.. it is a hard pill to swallow, Dads cancer. 
With such a huge gray cloud looming over them it's easy to forget it's the little things that start to wear you down.

The hours upon hours that Mom and Dad have spent in waiting rooms are just part of the fun of having cancer.. I am not just talking about the day of surgery. The GP's office.. the follow up at the surgeons, the oncologist. 
Scheduling and keeping such appointments.

The time spent on the phone asking which pharmacy or office takes their insurance..

Waiting for the prescriptions to be filled at the pharmacy.
Fighting the traffic in the rare Vegas rain and snow...( The inclement weather waits for Dad to have an appointment.) Vegas doesn't do weather well..

Coordinating the right time for the home health care nurse to visit.

Making sure that with all this chaos that the daily chores of life are getting done.. remembering to pay the bills. Is there gas in the car? Is there food in the fridge? Is there food in the house that Dad will eat?

Everyday Mom takes on all the challenges of Dads illness. Never kvetching, only showing her concern for his health, physical and mental.

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